Confession of a Child of the Century

“Confession of a Child of the Century” is a novel by French dramatist, poet, and novelist Alfred de Musset. Alfred Louis Charles de Musset-Pathay (1810-1857) was a French dramatist, poet, and novelist. After attempts at careers in medicine, law, drawing, English and piano, he became one of the first Romantic writers, with his first collection of poems, Contes d'Espagne et d'Italie (Tales of Spain and Italy) (1829). He was the librarian of the French Ministry of the Interior under the July Monarchy. The tale of his celebrated love affair with George Sand, which lasted from 1833 to 1835, is told from his point of view in his autobiographical novel, La Confession d'un Enfant du Siècle (The Confession of a Child of the Century) made into a film, Children of the Century.

Category Novel (212)
Language Armenian
Duration 12h : 1m
Age recommendation 16-120

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