Armenian Fairy tales

The folk art of the Armenian people has a long history. The first mention of Armenia is found in historical sources dating back to BC. Almost the same ancient history has Armenian folk tales. Of course, they didn’t gather and record right away, but already in ancient times they went, passed from mouth to mouth, tales of brave ordinary people who could resist both the formidable forces of nature and the evil rich who oppressed the people. The plots of fairy tales have much in common with the works created by other peoples. But the manner of narration, colorful language “decorations”, the names and characteristics of the heroes make up the special national appeal of the Armenian fairy tale. Created in different centuries, Armenian folk tales reflected both social contradictions and the wisdom of the people, striving for a free and dignified life. A feature of the tales of the peoples of Armenia is also a satirical approach to the narrative and humor that the characters do not lose in any situation. Reading such tales is a pleasure for both an adult and a child. They do not have complex storylines, are easily perceived and do not overload the children's psyche, always end in a victory of good forces.

Language Armenian
Duration 2h : 22m
Age recommendation 3-5