Kazakh Fairy tales

According to world folklore studies, folklore prose is divided into fairy tale and non-fairy tale. Prosaic types of non-fairy tale Kazakh folklore have myths as one of its oldest genres. Myth is very present in Kazakh fairy tales. Many ancient plots and motives in folk tales and epos may have appeared as fairy tales or true stories. One of the peculiar features of Kazakh true story existence is the ability to freely put itself into fairy tale composition. Like all nations, Kazakhstan has many types of folk tales. Domestic, satirical, fairy tales and folk tales about animals are considered the classic divide of folk tales in the country and throughout the world. Kazakh fairy tale epos reflect life, its mode, customs and rituals in a very versatile way. The motives of the works include the unlimited power of fathers or wise old men-advisers or the exile of wives and others.

Language Armenian
Duration 0h : 12m
Age recommendation 6-8


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