The Starry Clock of Humanity

The Starry Clock of Humanity is a cycle of short stories by an Austrian writer Stefan Zweig. In miniatures, he portrayed episodes of the past and masterfully combined the exploits of individuals with turning points in history. The collection “The Starry Clock of Humanity” includes short stories in which the author easily and affordably talks about scientific exploits and facts from the biography of famous people. The "Starry Clock of Humanity" introduces the reader to the author of the Marseillaise, Roger de Lille, the great commander Napoleon and the English explorer captain Scott. Stefan Zweig shows these titans of humanity from a slightly different perspective. He does not praise them, but, on the contrary, shows that they became great not by calling, but by virtue of circumstances. In historical miniatures from the series “The Starry Clock of Humanity” Zweig paints episodes of the past in which the personal feat of a person with a turning point in history is merged.

Category Story (41)
Language Armenian
Duration 6h : 7m
Age recommendation 16-120

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