"Coco" is a short story by Guy de Maupassant, published in 1884. The story starts out describing the farm, animals, trees, and plants. Then, talks about a young teenage villager, named Zidore, who is an aid for the farm owner's horse, Coco. Coco is an old, crippled, white horse that is close to his last days. Zidore didn't like Coco because of how slow she moved and how much of a hassle he was. One day, he decided to stop feeding Coco. As the days went on, he began to become weaker and bonier. Not long after he had that devious idea, he had another mischievous thought, which was, "instead of moving Coco,who was now as skinny as a skeleton, why not just get vengeance on him?" The story ends with Zidore quitting, because he got his revenge, and Coco's owner having two men bury Coco.