Osceola The Seminole, or, The Red Fawn of the Flower Land

"Osceola the Seminole, or, The Red Fawn of the Flower Land" is a novel by  Scots-Irish American novelist Thomas Mayne Reid, published in 1859. The Historical Novel has ever maintained a high rank perhaps the highest among works of fiction, for the reason that while it enchants the senses, it improves the mind, conveying, under a most pleasing form, much information which, perhaps, the reader would never have sought for amid the dry records of the purely historic narrative. The brief but heroic struggle of the celebrated Chief, Osceola, forms the groundwork of a narrative. His sympathy is awakened for the manly struggles and untimely fate of the gallant spirit, who fought so nobly for the freedom of his red brethren and the preservation of their cherished hunting grounds.

Category Novel (211)
Language Armenian
Duration 17h : 26m
Age recommendation 16-120

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