The Enchanted Soul

"The Enchanted Soul" is a novel by Romain Rolland, first published in 1922. There are two Annette Rivière: the wise, intelligent, wealthy young bourgeois, apparently indifferent to love, and - under this mask - the real Annette, ardent and upright, eager for independence, unconsciously looking for a companion for whom she would be an equal. This is why she wants to break away from the bland and charming Roger Brissot. This marriage suddenly seems to him a trap in which his soul will get stuck. Even Roger's sincere despair only makes her succumb to pity for a moment. From this fleeting abandonment is born a son. Alone, soon ruined, she will be able to keep her head high. Carried away by magic life, Annette - an enchanted soul - follows the fate she forged in Paris from 1900 to 1914.

Category Novel (206)
Language Armenian
Duration 78h : 4m
Age recommendation 16-120


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