A Dog's Tale

A classic tale by Mark Twain depicting the life of a family seen through its canine companion. The story is told from the viewpoint of a dog named Aileen Mavourneen, a self-proclaimed Presbyterian, whose mother is a Collie, and father is a St. Bernard. It begins with her life as a puppy while living with her mother. Eventually, she is taken from her mother to live with a loving family. At first, life for Aileen seems perfect. She lives in a spacious, adorned house with open space where she is free to roam and play with other dogs. All that changes, however, when a fire breaks out in the nursery, prompting Aileen to risk her own life to save her owner’s infant from harm’s way.

Category Tale (355)
Language Armenian
Duration 0h : 27m
Age recommendation 13-15


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Partially (in MP3 format)

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