
“Catriona” is an 1893 novel written by Robert Louis Stevenson as a sequel to his earlier novel “Kidnapped”. The novel continues the story of the central character in Kidnapped, David Balfour. The young man, becoming the new owner of the Shaws estate, decides to help his friend Alan leave Scotland and restore justice to James Stewart, who is falsely accused of a scandalous political murder. However, the Campbell family stands in David's way, which tries to prevent the young man, who tries to protect the life and honor of his friends. He boldly throws himself into a circle of dangerous adventures, where he meets his first and true love, the proud beauty Catriona Drummond, the daughter of the outlaw James More and the granddaughter of the legendary Scottish bandit Rob-Roy of the McGregor clan.

Category Novel (206)
Language Armenian
Duration 11h : 37m
Age recommendation 13-15