
In Aksel Bakunts’ short story “Orangeia” the author presents a snapshot of life in a remote valley, Orangeia, with its wild, beautiful, and untamed nature. The story revolves around a villager named Manas, who decides to build a house in this rugged landscape. However, his plans are threatened by Arakel Davoyents, an unscrupulous figure in the village with connections to powerful bureaucrats. Arakel has his own ambition to construct a palace in the valley, and the villagers, aware of his influence, urge Manas to stop building or leave the area entirely. Despite these warnings and Arakel’s attempts to block him, Manas insists on his right to build on his own land.

Category Tale (355)
Language Armenian
Duration 0h : 11m
Age recommendation 16-120


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Partially (in MP3 format)

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